Wednesday, January 26, 2011

lots of little things

furniture is being delivered monday...i think from here on out, i will appreciate furniture about 10x more than i ever have before.  for the past week, i've been cleaning and polyurethaning the wood floors that were underneath the nasty carpet.  also, i spent a lot of time with my friend amy putting together curtains.  the panels i bought were not long enough, so we sewed on pieces from another panel to make it the appropriate length.  the sewing machine that rebecca and olivia gave me 3 or 4 christmases ago finally got pulled out of the box and put to good use.  however, i do hold a grudge against it because it refused to cooperate with me but apparently loved amy, so whatever.  :-)
"cinnamon stick" with a darker brown at the bottom
the polyurethane really helps...obviously.
we finally bought a cord of firewood for our wood stove fireplace that helps warm us up.  john had to carry armful by armful from where the truck dumped it into the back wall of our garage.  such a sweet, sweet man.
john's brother, adam, came to visit martin luther king, jr. weekend.  it was fun and really nice to have family around.  (sorry - no pics)

what next....?  um....

i finally wrapped up some knitting projects that had been lingering over my head.  i'm rather proud of the way they turned out, so i thought i'd share... :-)

laptop case
ok, now on to the good stuff.  yesterday was my 20 week ultrasound.  we resisted the urge to find out the sex.  it wasn't really even that hard.  we pretty much had our minds made up that that's what we wanted.  everything went great.  all of our baby's measurements were normal, and the tech even told us that her computer was kicking out a due date of june 8th instead of the i guess we'll see.  the baby was a squirmy little thing.  he/she did a couple of somersaults for us on the screen then decided to give us a great profile shot.
i've been feeling him/her move for about 2 weeks now.  i love it.  i'm dying for john to be able to feel it, but that hasn't happened yet.  what a neat reminder to have at random points throughout the day that a baby is brewing in there.  :-)

it's been snowing since we woke up this morning.  the church office was closed til noon because of it, and tonight's church service is already canceled.  it's been coming down pretty good.  i really need to go to the grocery store, but i'm not so sure how confident i am getting out and driving in it.  sweet john shoveled the driveway already, and it's already covering back up.  snow still mesmerizes me.  i'm sure that'll wear off soon.


Wednesday, January 12, 2011

short update

18 weeks!  i get the big ultrasound in 2 weeks on Mom's birthday.  aw. <3

i had my 3rd ob appt last week.  the baby's heart rate was 150. 

i'm feeling better.  i'm nauseated less frequently & feeling more energetic.

just finished painting my living room walls.  they look incredible.  furniture should be in next week.  pulling up the carpet tonight.

had an incredible christmas in louisiana.  practically covered the whole state in 5 days.
john's first snowblowing experience this morning.  our driveway.  not a task for perfectionists he soon figured out.  :-)