Monday, September 27, 2010


we celebrated the day of my birth by....going to church!  john taught at family fusion (the service for families geared toward their kids) and steph and sarah allison came!
john and i went to a sushi restaurant for lunch.  i took a nap that afternoon, then we went to dinner with the allison's at a chinese restaurant.

john bought me these rockin winter boots for my bday!  (thanks for the website, bec!)
i came down from my nap that afternoon, and jill had made me a cake!  so sweet!
it was an all around great birthday weekend!


  1. Cool boots! I'll go ahead and order the others for you, as well. Sorry I didn't already do it; was waiting to have a conversation with you to confirm you wanted them. It will just extend your birthday a little longer. :) Glad you are being well cared for in your parents' absence and that your day was happy!

  2. FAB-ulous boots, Em!! You're so ready for winter!

    Glad to hear you had such a nice birthday, too. The surprise trip was soooooo thoughtful of John and looks like so much fun! Glad it was so great!

    If you're home this week and nothing to do, get on skype and maybe we can chat!

  3. John did very good on the boots!! So nice to have more than one pair. Cool! Have a good week...

  4. I'm LOVING your boots!
