Wednesday, May 11, 2011

mother's day weekend

my first unofficial mother's day weekend was fantastic!!  john is the greatest husband ever.  we got up early on saturday morning (a miracle for the both of us) and drove around from garage sale to garage sale.  the weather was absolutely gorgeous.  didn't find what we were looking for (bedside tables for our bedroom), but we really just had a good time hanging out and driving around.  :-)

sunday after church, we went to sonic (my choice).  came home, took a nap, got up at 5pm, spent the next 3 hours in the front flower beds with john doing some much needed weeding.  once again, it felt incredible outside and all the neighbors were out (having emerged from the winter season of staying indoors at all times), so we did lots of visiting as well as weeding.  we live near some great people.  two people that we hadn't met yet came by and introduced themselves.  i wouldn't have changed anything about our evening.  i loved every minute of it.  as for my mother's day gifts:  one of them i've already put to good use... electric sander!  i <3 power tools.  he also gave me a laser circular saw.  can't wait to use that one!

i am loving all of the trees and bushes that are in bloom.  we've had some pretty ones pop up in our yard.  it's been kinda fun to see what springs up.

we had tulips and daffodils bloom along the fence in our front yard.  love it!  they died already but were precious while they lasted.

last night we had our first labor and birth class!  it was very informative.  there were 7 or so other couples, and they were all close to our age.  we behaved ourselves until the last 15 minutes of class when we started doing relaxation techniques.   i was sitting inbetween john's legs leaning against his chest doing some deep breathing techniques, and john kept laughing silently because i was putting too much pressure on his chest for him to be able to take any deep breaths.  we both got the giggles and had a hard time containing ourselves. 

35 weeks:
i'm significantly bigger than i was last week for sure.  i stay entertained with all the moving around he/she does.  5 more weeks til we get to meet our little one!  i cannot wait!  here's the baby bed:

for those of you who know my eating habits & likes, you'll be very impressed to know that i went on a fruit buying spree yesterday, came home and cut it all up (first time ever to buy/chop up a pineapple), and am very much enjoying some fruit salad.
don't be fooled though...this is my freezer drawer...
i <3 chocolate.


  1. Love the post! WOW, the baby sure did have a growth spirt!

    I am so glad you and John had a good Mother's Day weekend. I bet you are having fun seeing the different flowers pop-up in your yard, and I bet it feels good to finally end the hibernation....

    5 weeks!!!! See you soon!

  2. I am laughing out loud at that last part! We all know least you didn't drizzle chocolate syrup over your fruit! Your yard is so pretty. I hope you get to enjoy your deck...that is, once you get some furniture out there! Love you....

  3. Sound like a great Mother's Day to me! I love the baby bed, it almost looks square in the picture, but I'm sure it's rectangular.

    I always enjoy stopping by and sharing in your life. Happy weekend!

  4. Adam and I had some really good (ok - hysterical) laughs at childbirth class - i especially loved when they started talking about things to "envision" while you're having a contraction. Makes me giggle a bit to think about it even now. Believe it or not, those things are NOT funny while in labor and they actually work! I was amazed how focused i could get on an idea that seemed so stupid 2 days before. So happy for you guys! You need to bring he/she down to meet little Rosie (Thomas), they can be pen pals :)

  5. We also hit Sonic on Mother's Day. Gotta love a place you don't have to get a sitter (or take the kids out of their carseats) to eat at! :-)
